Friday, November 4, 2011

Obesity Treatment Center

Obesity Treatment Center
Weight Loss Surgery
An obesity treatment center may be the last stop for a person who has tried for years to lose weight. Yo-yo dieting, depression, guilt, a sense of failure and many other components go into a person who has allowed himself to become obese. Obesity has been defined by the American Medical Association and the National Institute of Health as a BMI (body mass index) of over 30. Obesity is caused by both genetic and behavioral factors. Treatment of obesity usually takes more than just a diet change to end the cycle of emotional and behavioral destructive behavior. Obesity is a highly serious condition that leads in many cases to serious illnesses such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, heart failure, and certain forms of cancer. It has been called a national epidemic by the leading medical experts in the United States.
Obesity Treatment Center
Weight Loss Surgery
But those who are obese, unless there is a functional problem such as a thyroid issue, have much deeper issues than just eating the wrong kinds of food. This is why a sermon from a well meaning spouse or friend on eating less, or nagging or yelling can't and won't help the situation. An obesity treatment center is staffed by trained staff persons who can help with the deeply emotional reasons behind the overeating disorder. Overeating brings about a great deal of guilt, depression and low self-esteem that cannot be swept under the table by platitudes. The depression may be dealt with prescription drugs, but the guilt and low self esteem must be dealt with on a psychological level.
Obesity Treatment Center
Weight Loss Surgery
The trained staff persons at an obesity treatment center will be those who are trained in cognitive therapy. Counselors familiar with and licensed in using cognitive therapy feel that in many cases, this is the best approach for those dealing with food addiction issues. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is based on the idea that thoughts cause behavior and feelings rather than external things like people and events. This means that people can change the way they think even if the situation does not change. The average number of sessions that a patient has with cognitive behavioral therapy is sixteen. This may amount to sixteen weeks or eight or even four weeks of counseling, depending on the schedule. One of the deep principles of cognitive therapy is to teach the client or patient rational self-counseling skills. This must occur at an obesity treatment center if a client will be successful in the months and years after leaving the center.
Obesity Treatment Center
Weight Loss Surgery
In some cases, the intense counseling and group therapy that occurs at an obesity treatment center does the job and through careful diet and physical exercise significant weight loss takes place. But the staff at such a center is always quick to remind the patient that this weight loss battle will be an on-going issue for the rest of the patient's life. This means that those who were formerly overweight in significant measure will need to have a strong support system for the rest of life. But many of those who enter an obesity treatment center, while responding well to cognitive therapy, need an additional intervention to bring about success. Being highly overweight can bring about great guilt, low self esteem and feelings of self hate, and all of these emotions can make a person feel that no one understands. But God is very much aware so tell Him how you feel! "Oh Lord, thou hast searched me and known me...thou knowest my downsitting and mine uprising, thou understandest my thought afar off."
Obesity Treatment Center
Weight Loss Surgery
When additional intervention is needed, an obesity treatment center will present two surgical alternatives that the patient can consider: gastric bypass and gastric lapband surgery. Gastric bypass surgery is the more radical of the two procedures, which involves making the stomach smaller by stapling the stomach into two sections, one much smaller than the other. The smaller stomach is then connected to the middle portion of the small intestine so the larger portion of the stomach is by passed altogether. Gastric lapband surgery uses a band that is adjustable to make the small pouch in the upper end if the stomach. This creates a full feeling in the patient and hopefully less food will be ingested, leading to weight loss. No invasive cutting or stapling is needed in this procedure. In some cases, after the procedures are performed and weight loss occurs, there is a complete reversal of hypertension and even diabetes.
Obesity Treatment Center
Weight Loss Surgery
Obesity today is viewed as a disease just as alcoholism eventually came to be seen as more than just uncontrolled drinking that needs to be stopped. Before 1985, obesity was defined as a "single adverse behavior of inappropriate eating in the setting of attractive foods." So according to that definition, the person who was surrounded by mountains of Ho-Hos and dived in to devour twenty five of them was considered obese, even though he may have been six feet two and weighed a hundred and sixty five pounds. Clearly, the nature of obesity has come a long way in its being understood in all of its cultural, physiological and emotional components. Now the National Institute of Health says obesity "is a complex, multifactorial chronic disease that develops from an interaction of genotype and the environment." And while the medical community has finally gotten the message, obesity treatment center staff members must often help its clients deal with society's revulsion of them.


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